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only games

Laurențiu Rădulescu

game developer

Let's begin

It's single player game where you collect some yarn for a sweetr.

About KityGmae?

It's a little game made in Unreal Engine 5 in a few days, for somebody special. It is made using Blueprints.

If you want to download you can get it on PlayStore.

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WarGround is a 2D multiplayer online game for Android and PC that uses a local server created on your LAN, meaning no one outside your WI-FI can join.

About WarGround?

It was originally developed as a 2D Fortnite. I made it using Unreal Engine in about a month and ported it to Android in 2-3 weeks.

I used Blueprints to create the game logic and sprites for the visuals. The network system is a very basic one and there is no real server involved, everything is client side and uses a listening server where a player hosts the game on their device over the LAN.

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Mobile PC

It is a game in which you can build using the classic minecraft cubes, but also using various forms of relief.

About Edito?

It's my first game made with Python. I used Ursina as a graphics library because I find it easy to work with. It's a simple game, everything is coded and poorly made, but it was a very good learning experience because I learned how to manipulate files in Python and trained my skills to handle large code workloads.

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It is a 3D multiplayer game for PC where you can fight with your friends in LAN, bots or both.

About my shooter?

My first multiplayer game. Its network system is very bad and laggy because I didn't understand that most actions should only be replicated on the server.

I did it with Unreal Engine with Blueprints. Even if it's bad that I'm learning about gaming networking and replication and my next game turned out better.

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